
Well Hello There!

It's been a while....
I've worked on a few things here and there, but for the most part I've taken a long break from needle felting....but let me tell you....I still just love it!!!

So today I decided to get the website up and running again and I even created a facebook page (eek!) I really don't like self promotion...however, these things I keep making are just sitting around and they need to find homes! I've been giving away so many as gifts, but I'd also love to get to where I can earn a little something here and there. {You know, add it to the minivan fund...}

This evening, my sweet neighbor, Lori, came over and purchased quite a few. THANK YOU LORI!!! I was excited for those little guys to find their new home ;).

Anyway, if you are at all interested in a new clip, hair band or pin, simply click on the order page and send me a message of what you think you might like. I can work with you on creating just the right thing!

Up and coming projects:

Valentine's Day Hearts
Felted Button Rings

